Northstar Services

Northstar Stud Services

Herkir Fra Northstar

Herkir is Ohio’s first domestic five-gaited smoky black prized stallion; born and trained in the United States, conceived in Iceland. His lineage boasts a list of honored first prized stallions in Iceland that set him apart as an excellent choice as a stud: 1st Prize Asapor Fra Feti, Honored 1st Prize Kraflar fra Midsitju, all leading back to the great grand sire Prized stallion Hervar fra Saudarkroki.

He is our best looking stallion with excellent confirmation and thanks to his dam, a blue eyed Cremello, he can produce offspring in a range of colors such as palomino, buckskin and smoky black. His color range in combination with his stunning good looks and kind disposition make him an excellent choice as a sire.

If you want to refine your mare’s offspring looks complemented by gaits and disposition, Herkir fra Northstar is your sire to choose from. His dam is a cremello mare, which means that Herkir carries the color gene for offspring that could be. He measures 138 cm, which puts him at around 13.2 hands tall.


USIHC ID: US1996100843

Color: Smokey Black


AKA: Herkie


Brellir Fra Northstar

A Kolskeggur Offspring, Brellir. With impressive bloodlines, and exceptional looks, this up and coming show stopper is an excellent choice for your mare. More details about this stallion will be updated soon! Check back for more information. Brellir's photography provided courtesy of Wild Rose Icelandic Horse farm.


USIHC ID: US2009104231

Color: Chestnut with a star


AKA: Striker


Past Northstar Icelandic Studs

Leistur fra Northstar


A high stepping four-gaited prized stallion conceived in Iceland and born/trained in the United States, Leistur is a sweetheart possessing and passing down blue eyes. Leistur is a bay with blaze, like his sire who is the first prize stallion Pokki fra Bjarnanesi. Pokki's claim to fame was that he was a unknown at the Icelandic Nationals—Lansmot and ended up going into the 4-gait finals with the highest score of 8.81, winning reserve grand champion. Pokki went on to Denmark but prior to export was bred to the prize mare Beygja fra Feti who came to Northstar Farm.

Leistur is the only sire of this bloodline in the United State and looks and moves very much like Pokki. If your breeding goals strive towards naturally high stepping distinctive four gaits with lots of color, Blue Eyes is your dream sire to choose from.


USIHC ID: US1996100843

Color: Bay with Blue Eyes


AKA: Blue Eyes


Funi fra Melstað


Funi is a five-gaited bay with dark points, with abundance of tail and mane (faxi.) Though small in stature Funi throws large offspring, impressive to ride or watch with his fluid motion and most certainly prized for his lineage. Funi comes from extremely impressive bloodlines. Funi’s sire, grand sire, and great grand sire were all registered first prize stallions. Moreover, Funi’s grand sire, Thattur 772 fra Kirjubae and great grand dam Sida, 2794 fra Saudarkrokur earned the title elite, or honored first prize status in Iceland. Funi is a great choice of sire for Icelandic owners


USIHC ID: US1990100793

WFID: IS1990155595

Color: Bay no markings


AKA: Fire, Flame
